Irkutsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, 664033, Irkutsk, ul. Lermontova, 134, Russia
Keywords: химический комплекс, Иркутская область, сырье, нефть, природный газ, калийная соль, дре весные отходы, экологические проблемы, перспективы, региональное развитие, chemical complex, Irkutsk region, raw materials, oil, natural gas, potassium salt, wood waste, environmental problems, prospects, regional development
One of the largest and highly developed chemical complexes in Russia was formed in the Irkutsk region by the beginning of the 1990s and comprised of the petrochemical, chemical, microbiological, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries. This paper described the transformation of the sectoral and product structures of this complex over the years of market reforms, the processes of separation, shutdown, and expansion of existing enterprises, and the creation of new industries. It was noted that the ecological conditions in the cities of the south of the Irkutsk oblast were improved due to technical and technological envi ronmental measures at the enterprises of the chemical complex and, to a greater extent, because a number of its enterprises were decommissioned and reduced in production output. At the same time, new serious environmental problems arose, associated with the need to eliminate waste and reclaim the territories of the enterprises that ceased to operate. The problems and prospects of diversification and development of the chemical complex on the basis of new types of local raw materials, namely natural gas, potassium salt, and wood waste. The conclusion was made that, the implementation of gas-chemical, potassium, and microbio logical projects could potentially make the chemical complex of the Irkutsk region one of the largest ones in the country again.