Tatiana M. Lysenko1,2,3, Andrey Yu. Korolyuk4,5, Elena A. Averinova6, Tatiana A. Sokolova7, Irina S. Chupina4
1Komarov Botanical Institute RAS, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 2Institute of Ecology of the Volga River Basin RAS, Togliatti, Russia 3Tobolsk complex scientific station UB RAS, Tobolsk, Russia 4Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia 5Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia 6Bryansk State University named after academician I.G. Petrovsky, Bryansk, Russia 7Federal research centre the Southern scientific centre of the RAS, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Keywords: vegetation, floristic classification, Volga Region, Central Russian Upland, south of the European part of Russia, south of Western Siberia, Festuco-Brometea, Festuco-Puccinellietea, Trifolio-Geranietea sanguinei, Quercetea pubescentis
New syntaxa are described, validation and correction of associations are carried out. New data on the distribution of various syntaxa, their ecology and floristic composition are given. Ass. Alysso tortuosi-Artemisietum salsoloidis Lysenko in Lysenko, Arkhipova et Suleymanova 2020 (Suppl. 1, Table 1, relevés 1, 2). Diagnostic species (D. s.): Artemisia salsoloides (dom.), Pimpinella tragium, Alyssum tortuosum, Matthiola fragrans. The association unites the steppe communities distributed on the chalk slopes of the Volga Upland in the Middle Volga region.