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2010 year, number 3

Small-Size Terahertz Spectrometer Using the Second Harmonic of a Femtosecond Fiber Laser

V. D. Antsygin, A. A. Mamrashev, N. A. Nikolaev, O. I. Potaturkin
Keywords: terahertz spectroscopy, optical rectification, polarization-optical detection
Pages: 110-117


Possible implementations of a small-size terahertz spectrometer with a subpicosecond resolution on the basis of a femtosecond fiber laser are considered. An experimental sample of a spectrometer is fabricated. This spectrometer employs the method of optical rectification in a ZnTe nonlinear crystal and the Dember (photodiffusion) effect on the InAs semiconductor surface to generate terahertz radiation and the polarization-optical method to detect radiation. System operation is demonstrated by an example of measuring the terahertz absorption spectrum of water and determining the refractive index of the β-BBO crystal. The basic spectrometer parameters are found: spectral range, spectral resolution, and dynamic range of the terahertz spectrum amplitude.