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"Philosophy of Education"

2020 year, number 4


D. V. Lepeshev, V. V. Zakhlebayeva
1Kokshetau University named after Abai Myrzakhmetov, Kokshetau, Kazakhstan
2post-graduate student
Keywords: yunogogics, youth, work techniques, youth work, socialization


Introduction. The paper resents the intermediate results of the study of the modern technologies use in the educational practice of the complex according to the youth work organization, carried out in the framework of the study on the state order of the Committee of science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on IRN ARO5132539 project on the theme: “Yunogogics: theory and practice of the youth work in the conditions of the public consciousness modernization”. The purpose of the study was to analyze modern scientific concepts and theories for the development, implementation in practice of a set of technologies for the youth work organization, taking into account the best foreign practice. Methodology and methods of the research. The basic methods of the study were a comparative analysis of works of sociology, psychology, pedagogy and the existing regulatory and legal base for the youth work organization in the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the theoretical basis is the concept of socialization developed by foreign sociologists, psychologists, educators: T. Parsons, A. Bandura, etc. The sociological problems of the youth work were presented on the basis of the transactions analysis of M. Brake, K. Hurrelmann etc. The psychological aspect of the problems was considered in the analysis based on the proceedings of F. Rice, E. Erickson and others. The pedagogical aspect of the problems of social and pedagogical work with the young people was considered in the proceedings of: V. G. Bocharova, M. I. Rozhkova etc. The analysis technique relies on the possibility of the speculative method in combination with extrapolation of the results in sociality and implementation in practice. In the course of the analysis method carried out, the group of researchers identified two main complementary criteria: state youth policy is a broader area of the youth sphere, which presupposes a unified approach to the principles of all types of youth-oriented activities; youth work is one of the areas of implementation of youth policy, which creates positive social factors for the diverse development of young people, is supported by special state programs for young people and their rights and freedoms as citizens of the country. The results of the research. The necessity of introduction of modern technologies into the practice of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the educational practice of the complex on the organization of the youth work taking into account the existing theoretical and methodological approaches taking into account modern realities is shown. Conclusion. Introduction of the complex into the educational practice as one of the sections of the general theory of the social work with an emphasis on the pedagogical and technological aspects of promoting the formation and implementation of life forces, socially significant needs of young people, overcoming vital problems.