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Atmospheric and Oceanic Optics

2022 year, number 12

Impact of the water vapor continuum absorption on the CO2 radiative forcing in the atmosphere for Lower Volga Region

K.M. Firsov1, T.Yu. Chesnokova2, A.A. Razmolov1
1Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russia
2V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics of Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, Tomsk, Russia
Keywords: atmospheric radiative transfer, carbon dioxide, water vapor continuum, radiative forcing


The impact of the water vapor continuum absorption in the atmosphere on CO2 radiative forcing is estimated on the basis of mass calculations of thermal radiative fluxes for summer conditions in 2021 in the Lower Volga Region. The set of 368 vertical atmospheric profiles (four realizations per day during three summer months) was used for the simulation. It was shown that the humidity growth decreases the CO2 contribution to radiative impact on the Earth’s surface, which leads to weaker heating of the surface and stronger heating of the atmosphere. Thus, greenhouse effect reinforcement due to the CO2 concentration increase at high humidity will lead to greater heating of the atmosphere. The water vapor continuum plays a dominating role in this process, but not selective absorption in H2O bands.