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2023 year, number 1


A. V. Andrianov1, N. A. Kalinin1, A. A. Sorokin1,2, E. A. Anashkina1, G. Leuchs1,2,3
1Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany
3Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat, Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany
Keywords: Quantum optics, squeezed states of light, ultrashort pulses, Kerr effect, optical fibers


Quantum squeezed states of light, characterized by a reduced quantum uncertainty in one of the quadrature variables below the uncertainty of the vacuum state (below the standard quantum limit), play an important role in modern fundamental and applied research. This paper provides basic information about the properties and manifestations of squeezed states. A brief review of methods for obtaining and detecting quantum squeezed light is given, with special attention paid to fiber systems. The Kerr mechanism for generating squeezed states, which is implemented in various variants of fiber systems, is considered in detail. An experimental scheme for generating polarization-squeezed states based on a polarization-maintaining nonlinear fiber is presented. Various factors limiting squeezing are considered.