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Numerical Analysis and Applications

2023 year, number 2

Non-traditional intervals and their use. Which ones really make sense?

S.P. Shary1,2
1Federal Research Center for Information and Computational Technologies, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: interval analysis, interval, non-traditional intervals, classical interval arithmetic, Kaucher interval arithmetic


The paper discusses the question of why intervals, which are the main object of Interval Analysis, have exactly the form that we know well and habitually use, and not some other. In particular, we investigate why traditional intervals are closed, i.e. contain their endpoints, and also what is wrong with an empty interval. A second question considered in the work is how expedient it is to expand the set of traditional intervals by some other objects. We show that improper («reversed») intervals and the arithmetic of such intervals (the Kaucher complete interval arithmetic) are very useful from many different points of view.