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Siberian Journal of Forest Science

2023 year, number 3


A. I. Petrov, S. V. Zalesov, V. S. Kotova
Ural State University of Forest Engineering, Yekaterinburg, Russia
Keywords: disturbed by mining lands, Pinus sylvestris L, sowing, planting, Southern Urals


Significant areas of land has been withdrawn from the forest fund for the extraction of precious metals in the Urals. After the completion of the development of alluvial deposits, these lands require reclamation work. Low content in soils formed during the extraction of precious metals (gold, platinum, silver) of mineral nutrition elements and nitrogen excluder the agricultural direction of reclamation without the introduction of significant dozes of organic and mineral fertilizers. At the same time, the forestry direction of reclamation is effective by creating Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) forest crops. It has been established that the creation of forest crops by sowing causes their transfer to lands covered with forest vegetation’s with a density of 3.9 to 6.4 thousand pieces per ha of pine undergrowth. The proportion of decommissioned dead forest crops is 10.9 % of those created by this method. When creating forest crops by mechanized planting of 2-3 year old seedlings of Scots pine, the share of decommissioned forest crops is 4.3 % and in manually planting of the same age seedlings decommission of forest crops was not recorded. Due to the mosaic nature of soils, the transfer of established forest crops covered with forest vegetation of the ground varies from 4 to 11 years. An increase in the preservation of forest crops can ensured by the use first class quality seeds of local origin, since the dead forest crops were created mainly by seeds of the second quality class.