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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2012 year, number 3

Optical properties change of oxide film - metal system during the film growth: computer simulation

S.P. Rusin
Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS
Keywords: oxide film, effective reflectivity, growth, modeling
Pages: 469-479


Results of computer simulation of reflective properties of the oxide film-metal system in the process of oxidation in the air environment are presented. The complex refractive indices for oxide film and metal were used as the initial data. Thin films (the thickness is comparable with the wavelength of incident radiation) and thick films (thickness is much larger than the wavelength of incident radiation) are considered. The parameter characterizing the cyclic character of system reflectivity during the growth of film thickness was derived for the thin film. It is shown that the cyclic parameter does not depend on optical properties of a metal substrate. In the air environment, this parameter is determined by a complex refractive index of the film, its thickness, and direction of incident radiation. Relationships for the estimate of system reflectivity in the process of oxide film growth are presented for the thick film.