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Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves

2015 year, number 1

Influence of the Temperature-Induced Martensitic-Austenitic Transformation on the Strength Properties of High-Alloy Steels under Dynamic Loading

A. S. Savinykh1,2, G. V. Garkushin1,2, S. V. Razorenov1,2, S. Wolf3, L. Kruger3
1Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, 142432 Russia
2National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 634050 Russia
3Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Freiberg, 09599 Germany
Keywords: high-alloy steel, martensitic-austenitic transformation, shock-wave loading, spall strength, free surface velocity profile


The dynamic elastic limit and spall strength of high-alloy chromium-manganese-nickel steel in the martensitic-austenitic transformation induced by a change in the temperature from –120 to 200 ˚C is measured by recording the complete wave profiles with a VISAR laser interferometer and subsequently analyzing them. The spall strength of the investigated steel in the martensitic phase is found to be 25–30% higher than the strength of steel in the austenitic phase. In this case, the strength decreases in a stepwise manner in a narrow temperature range approximately from –50 to 20 ˚C, where, apparently, basic changes in the internal structure of steel occur due to the martensitic-austenitic transformation. The measured values of the dynamic elastic limit of high-alloy steel have a sufficiently large scatter and hardly decrease with increasing temperature without any features associated with the martensitic-austenitic transformation of the structure.