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"Philosophy of Education"

2016 year, number 2


B. M. Fisenko
Altai State Technical University, 656038, Russia, Barnaul, av. Lenina, 46
Keywords: глобализация, диалог культур, интеркультурное образование, воспитание, язык, локальность, контекстуальность, плюралистичность, globalization, dialogue of cultures, intercultural education, up-bringing, language, locality, contextuality, plurality


The article deals with the analysis of contradictions of globalization processes and conditions which are necessary to smooth over these contradictions. The problem of dialogue of cultures today is urgent, that is why society is searching for the answers to the questions which are vital to many people in Russia and in the world as well. This paper has become an attempt to explain significance of education for bringing up society which will be tolerant towards other cultures and at the same time not alienated from the culture of its own nation. It enables us to draw a conclusion that education must be intercultural. As a result of the analysis made it was revealed that the main characteristics of intercultural education are: locality, contextuality and plurality. One more aspect of intercultural education is learning local languages as well as Russian and English. This conclusion has been made proceeding from the analysis of the main difficulties which can occur when a person wants to study some other culture