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Siberian Scientific Medical Journal

2018 year, number 6


Evgeniy Vyacheslavovich STUPAK1,1, Sergey Evgenievich TITOV2,3, Yuliya Andreevna VERYASKINA2, Larisa Grigorievna AKHMEROVA2, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich STUPAK1,1, Samuil Semenovich RABINOVICH1,1, Dmitriy Andreevich DOLZHENKO1,1, Igor Fedorovich ZHIMULEV2
1Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics n.a. Ya.L. Tsivyan
2Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology of SB RAS
Keywords: глиомы головного мозга, микроРНК, глиомы различной степени злокачественности, экспрессия микроРНК, технология NanoString, ПЦР, cerebral glioma, microRNA, different grade gliomas, microRNA expression, NanoString technology, PCR


Purpose of the study - searching of new microRNA markers for differential diagnostics of different grade cerebral gliomas. Material and methods. Surgical material is tumor and externally unchanged brain tissue that was obtained from 41 patients with gliomas of different grade anaplasia. In 6 patients with cerebral glioma, a high-throughput Nanostring platform was used to determine the level of expression of 800 microRNAs. 37 patients with a similar pathology were subjected to real-time PCR, microRNA-128, 143, 144, 182, 183, 199b, 204, 7, 99a. Results and discussion: It has been established with the NanoString technology that the level of expression of miRNA 199b was significantly higher in gliomas of grade III and IV than in gliomas of grade II. In contrast, the expression level of miRNA-144 and miRNA-182 was reduced. There was also a significant 10-fold increase in the level of expression of microRNA-7 in tumors of grade IV in comparison with grade II. These differences in the expression of four microRNAs in these types of gliomas can be additional markers that distinguish rapidly growing malignant gliomas (grade III, IV) from slowly growing tumors (grade II) and timely assign an adequate comprehensive treatment.