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Siberian Scientific Medical Journal

2020 year, number 5

Body composition and serum fetuin-A levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Evgeniy V. Papichev, Boris V. Zavodovsky, Larisa E. Sivordova, Yuri R. Akhverdyan, Yulia V. Polyakova, Irina A. Zborovskaya
Research Institute of Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology named after A.B. Zborovsky, Volgograd, Russia
Keywords: ревматоидный артрит, ревматическая кахексия, композитный состав тела, фетуин-А, костная ткань, тощая ткань, жировая ткань, индекс жировой массы, индекс безжировой массы, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid cachexia, body composition, fetuin-A, bone tissue, lean tissue, fat tissue, fat mass index, fat-free mass index


Background. Rheumatoid cachexia is a pathological condition which appears in patients with rheumatoid arthritis with low fat-free mass and normal or high body mass index. Bone mass loss is one of the components of rheumatoid cachexia. Fetuin-A, a major noncollagen protein of bone tissue, regulates bone remodeling. Aim of the study was to investigate the prevalence of rheumatoid cachexia and the association of serum fetuin-A level with body composition components in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Material and methods. 110 patients (8 male and 102 female) with rheumatoid arthritis were enrolled in our study. Serum fetuin-A level was determined by ELISA. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry with Total Body program was performed. The diagnosis of rheumatoid cachexia was based on the next criteria: fat-free mass index less than 10th percentiles with fat mass index above 25th percentiles. Results and discussion. We observed rheumatoid cachexia in 25 patients (22,7 %). According to the literature, such patients have an increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome, arterial hypertension and mortality. Positive significant ( p < 0,05) correlations were observed between serum fetuin-A levels and right and left lower limb, trunk, gynoid region, both lower limbs and total body bone mass. No statistically significant relationships with other indicators were identified. Fetuin-A negative dynamic in patients with rheumatoid arthritis may be accompanied by the loss of bone mass, which requires the improvement of therapeutic approach. Conclusions. Almost a quarter of patients with rheumatoid arthritis have rheumatic cachexia. Positive correlation between serum fetuin-A levels and lower limbs, trunk, gynoid region and total body bone mass was observed.