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Advanced Search

Journal of Mining Sciences

2022 year, number 3

Failure Mechanism and Acoustic Emission Characteristics of Coal-Rock Samples

G. Dongming, Z. Wei, Ch. Qiyu, W. Zhili
China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, China
Keywords: Geomaterials, gauge theory, continuous phase transition, Hamiltonian variational principle, deformation wave


In this study, the gauge and phase transition theories are used to develop an elastoplastic model of geomaterials with dissipation. Displacements and plastic distortions are selected as the independent variables. The initial Lagrangian is constructed by the requirement of invariance of the Lagrangian with respect to translational transformation. To take into account the continuous structural phase transition effect of plastic deformation of geomaterials, fourth- and sixth-power terms of the distortion tensor are added to the initial Lagrangian. The differential motion equations of media with dissipation and the corresponding boundary conditions are obtained based on Hamilton’s principle. Generalized Hooke’s laws are obtained on the basis of the kinematic variational principle. One special case, dilatation-compaction deformation case, is discussed, and the obtained equation of motion is applied for modeling the deformation waves and zonal disintegration.