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Flora and Vegetation of Asian Russia

2023 year, number 1

Lichen species Cetraria Crispiformis (Parmeliaceae) in Russia

Tatiana V. Makryi
Central Siberian Botanical Garden SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: lichen, Cetraria crispiformis, range, synonyms, type specimens, Russia


The species Cetraria crispiformis is very poorly studied in Russia. Only 6 points are indicated on the map of the range of the species for the territory of Russia. The purpose of this study was to revise herbarium materials in order to detect new localities of the lichen, as well as to map the range of the species in Russia. The purpose of this study was to revise herbarium materials in order to detect new localities of the lichen, as well as to map the range of the species on the territory of Russia. The material for the study was herbarium collections, including type materials kept in the Lichenological Herbarium of the Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (LE), as well as single specimens kept in the Herbarium of the Karelian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (PTZ) and the M.G. Popov Herbarium of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (NSK). The study was carried out by a comparative morphological method. The distribution map of the species on the territory of Russia was compiled using the point mapping method. As a result of the revision of the herbarium materials of C. islandica s.l. about 40 (30 new) localities of the species C. crispiformis have been identified. A distribution map of this arctic-northamphiatlantic lichen on the territory of Russia has been compiled, showing that the species is found here almost exclusively along the coasts of the northern seas (Barents, White, Kara) and on the Arctic islands. Outside the coasts (in more continental regions), the species is practically not found, and if it occurs, then in special conditions - in sphagnum bogs. The most remote localities of the species from the coasts are in the Komi Republic on the Timan Ridge and in the Pskov Region on the “Eastern Bog Massif”. As a result of the study of type specimens of intraspecific taxa of C. islandica described by K.A. Rassadina, it was found that the type C. islandica var. polaris f. grumulosa Rass. (LE L127), the name of which was considered by Kärnefelt (1979) as a synonym of C. islandica subsp. crispiformis does not belong to the species C. crispiformis, but represents one of the forms of C. islandica s.l. Synonyms and their type specimens are given.