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Thermophysics and Aeromechanics

2023 year, number 2

Numerical study of the influence of local foreign-gas injection on the linear stability of compressible boundary layer

S.O. Morozov, S.V. Lukashevich, A.N. Shiplyuk
Khristianovich Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Keywords: compressible boundary layer, laminar-turbulent transition, linear stability theory, Görtler vortices, second Mack mode


This work is devoted to a numerical study of the influence of foreign-gas injection on the stability of compressible boundary layer on a concave surface. The stability calculation was carried out in the framework of the locally parallel linear stability theory. The results of calculations for the reference case without injection showed that Görtler vortices and the second Mack mode exhibited the highest growth rates at studied parameters. It is found that the injection of a heavy gas (with respect to the oncoming gas) leads to an increase in the rate of growth of Görtler vortices and the second Mack mode, whereas the injection of a light gas leads to a decreased rate of growth of these perturbations.