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Journal of Mining Sciences

2023 year, number 3

Estimation of Specific Cutting Energy and Noise Level in Circular Saw Cutting Process by Leeb, Shore and Schmidt Hardness Values of Rocks

G. Ekincioglu1, D. Akbay2
1Ahi Evran University, Kaman, Turkey
2Onsekiz Mart University, Can, Turkey
Keywords: Natural stone, Shore hardness, Schmidt hardness, Leeb hardness, specific cutting energy, noise level


In this study, the rebound hardness values (Shore-Schmidt-Leeb) were calculated for 12 different carbonate rocks using three different devices. The relationships between hardness values and rock cuttability properties (specific cutting energy and noise level) were investigated by simple and multiple regression analyses. It is determined that the Leeb hardness of the rocks can be an alternative to the Shore hardness and Schmidt hardness and that both the specific cutting energy and the noise level can be estimated with the Leeb hardness values.