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Journal of Mining Sciences

2023 year, number 3

System-Based Identification and Formalization of Flow-and Diffusion-Type Mass Transfer Processes During Gas Drainage in Coal Seams

M. V. Kurlenya1, K. Kh. Lee2, V. G. Kazantsev2, H. U. Li2, S. V. Kulyavtseva3
1Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Scientific Center VostNII, Kemerovo, Russia
3Federal Research and Production Center ALTAI, Biysk, Russia
Keywords: coal seam, gas drainage, flow, diffusion, adsorption pressure, gas concentrations, porosity


The authors discuss the mechanisms of gas transfer in exposed coal on the strength of the phenomenology of coal gas content. The phenomenon of gas transfer is divided into flow and diffusion, and the major characteristics of these processes in the overall gas travel are revealed.