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Journal of Mining Sciences

2024 year, number 1

Justification of Potentiality of Mine Drain Water Injection in Deep Geological Structures: A Case-Study of Yakovlevsky Mine

L. A. Elantseva, S. V. Fomenko
Belgorod State University, Belgorod, Russia
Keywords: Yakovlevsky Mine, drainage system, water-bearing bottom coal layer, dewatering wells, directional upholes, drain water injection


Potentiality of drain water injection in deep geological structures is investigated as a case-study of drainage system at Yakovlevsky Mine. The problem ensues from the presence of a very high zone of conductive fractures and from the very intense hydraulic connection between the water-bearing bottom coal layer and crystal ore layer due to the increased size of the mined-out space as the mine reaches the production capacity of 5 Mt, which can lead to water inrushes to underground stopes. The authors perform the predictive modeling of the joint operation of the drainage system and drain water injection to the bottom-layer water-bearing coal stratum with a view to improving safety of mining.