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Geography and Natural Resources

2024 year, number 1


1FSBI В«Zapovednoe Pribaikalie», Irkutsk, Russia
2V.B. Sochava Institute of Geography, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Keywords: limits of acceptable changes, current capacity, recreational capacity, Irkutsk coast of Lake Baikal, tourist use of specially protected natural areas


The article presents, for the first time, the results of determining visitor loads on the natural territories of the Pribaikalsky National Park obtained during the warm seasons of 2018-2021. The study used the method of “Limits of Acceptable Changes” recommended for the World Natural Heritage Site “Lake Baikal”, adapted by the authors of the article for the natural territories surrounding the lake. The obtained numerical values of recreational capacity for the main objects open to the public in the Pribaikalsky National Park should be considered as corresponding to the maximum permissible loads, the excess of which leads to changes in natural conditions and the loss of tourist attractiveness of the object. The study shows that for the Pribaikalsky National Park, which includes more than a quarter of the Baikal coastline, a one-time presence of 5285 people is permissible on 93 sites and trails allowed for visiting, located within ten forestry departments. Examples of determining current capacity estimates are given for three objects, namely: Babushka Bay, Sagan-Zaba Tract and Saraisky Bay. An attempt has been made to compare the data of the maximum loads with the general statistics of the issued visiting permits for the period 2018-2022. About half of them are connected with the Olkhon Island, which accounts for about a third of the total maximum loads, which became possible after the construction of decking trails, isolated canopies, dry closets and platforms for cars in 2018-2021, which made it possible to increase recreational capacity without increasing the load. The practice of admitting visitors to the natural territories of the Pribaikalsky National Park is currently based on estimates obtained using the method of limits of acceptable changes and algorithms for determining the current capacity, which are annually adjusted by environmental monitoring data. Regular construction of new and updating of existing infrastructure are also taken into account, allowing for an increase in the number of visitors simultaneously within the boundaries of the park.